Spring 2024

A Warm Welcome

I would like to warmly welcome all children and their families who have recently started at the nursery, including the siblings of existing children.  I would also like to thank all of the existing parents/carers for their ongoing support during the nursery change of ownership.

Staff News

We would like to welcome some new staff members to the nursery – Tayla Fitton who will be joining full time in the Roos from the beginning of April and Natalie White who will be joining the Tiggers 2 days per week.

School Places

Parents of children who will be attending school this September will shortly hear the decision the local authority have made regarding the school their child is to attend.

Please can you pass this information to your child’s Key Person so that we can prepare paperwork, liaise with the school and help your child prepare for the transition.

Funding Codes

Parents wishing to claim ‘Working Parent Entitlement’ funding (up to 30 hours/15 hours for 2 year olds) from April 2024 need to apply for an eligibility code from Child Care Choices before 31st March 2024.  A reminder that those already claiming extended hours may have to renew their code to continue to be eligible.

World Book Day

World book day took place on Thursday 7th March 2024 and I would like to thank you all for your child’s participation – sharing their story books and dressing up for the day.

Stick Insects

There are new creatures which have joined the nursery, they currently reside in the Tigger room.  The children are enjoying holding them, watching them and providing food for them.

Family Photos

Please could all children provide a family photo that can stay at nursery?  This helps children with sharing their home-nursery experiences, gaining a further sense of belonging and as a comfort whilst away from their family.

Outdoor Play Essentials

Please can you ensure that your child/children bring wellies to nursery for exploring all weathers outdoors.  In contrast to this, please could parents/carers please provide named suncream and hats (In the hope we get some nice weather).

Spare Clothes

It would be appreciated if all parents/carers could provide spare clothing for their child should they need a change of clothes.  If nursery has supplied any, please could these be returned to us we are running very low.  If you have any old clothing that your child may no longer wear/has grown out of, we would be very grateful to have these donated as a supply of spare clothes for when needed.


As a nursery, we are keen to emphasise the importance of oral hygiene for young children.  Toothbrushing is encouraged for all Piglet and Tigger children after breakfast.  Please could parents/carers provide a toothbrush and toothpaste to remain at nursery for this?

Environmental Health Inspection

Due to the change of ownership, the nursery had an Environmental Health Inspection in February.  I am pleased to share that the nursery scored a 5.

Summer Outing

We are in the process of arranging our nursery summer outing for this year. The outing will be taking place on Wednesday 10th July 2024 and we will be visiting Drusillas Park. Further details about Drusillas can be found at https://www.drusillas.co.uk/ and more information will follow shortly regarding the outing.